

The main focus of our project was taking the large dataset we could get from Discord to see if we could create personalized language models. Originally, the goal was to create something like chatgpt, that would produce full text messages. However, we eventually realized that we did not have the resources to train a model of that size. Instead, we decided to focus on creating a model that would generate the next word in a sentence, like reccomendations for a keyboard.

We used three different models to generate text: Markov Chains, GPT-2, and LLaMA. We used a random selection model as a baseline and then used Markov Chains, GPT-2 and LLaMA to see if we could improve on the baseline. We also used GPT-2 to generate full text messages, just to see what would happen.


On the local version of our webpage, you can type in a sentence and receive a prediction for the next word. The webpage allowed you to press tab to autocomplete. You can also select whose model you want to use. The models are trained on the following users:


To evaluate our models, we took each message in the test set and let the model predict each word in the message. We then calculated the accuracy of the model by seeing how many times the model predicted the correct word.

If we had more time, we would have liked to have a more robust evaluation. Including

Baseline - Random Selection

Random selection gave an accuracy of just 0.6%. This demonstrates just how difficult the problem is, which gives a better perspective on the other models results.

Chris - Markov Chains

Markov chains got an accuracy of 4.2%. This is a significant improvement over random selection, but still not very good. This is likely because the model is only looking at the previous word, which is not enough context to make a good prediction. There is also the issue that the model can only predict words that have been seen before, which also limits the accuracy.

We also ran a test with POS tagging, which is where we tag each word with its part of speech. This gave an accuracy of 2.9%, which is slightly worse than the untagged version. This is likely because the POS tags are not very accurate, which makes it harder for the model to predict the next word.

Molly - GPT-2

We used the 117M parameter GPT-2 model to generate text. Our results show a marked improvement over markov chains. They also show that both fine-tuning and generating more than one word at a time improve the accuracy of the model. At the peak of our results, we were able to get an accuracy of 17.1%. This is a significant improvement, likely because the model is able to look at more context than the markov chain model.

Since it was simple to extend the GPT-2 model to generate more than one word, we decided to run a test to see what kind of text it would generate. Below is some example text generated by the fine-tuned GPT-2 model. In general, while the words are completely incoherent, the actual speach patterns were replicated really well. The model picked up on the use of swear words and the rather shortened speech patterns of the user.

(Note: the output has been edited to censor swear words)

how are you doing? Im not sure if you're doing it for the money or not but i'm not really sure what you mean by that. i'm just trying to figure out what to do with my time im not a big fan of the whole "you're not allowed to be a part of this ****" thing you know what i mean it's not like i don't like the way you guys are doing things its just that i dont like how you are so much more of a **** well im not but i do like your style of music and i like that you have a lot of friends so i guess i'll just have to wait for you to get back ok just a few minutes goodnight yall haha yeah lol this is the first time i've ever seen you oh no that's a good thing im just so happy like if you want to read more about me i would love to hear from you on twitter or hey what are your thoughts on the new album the first track is called "The Last Time"; they are both about the time you were born my mom is a huge fan she is also a fanboy he is not sure how much of that is true how do you feel about it is that a problem anyway we are all so **** excited about this album so i hope you like it so far all the songs are about you and your life every single one of them is about your mom your mom was a great mom and you just want her to know that her mom always wanted to make sure you had a happy life and that was the only thing that mattered when you got to college you went to a really ****ty school a really crappy school that had no chemistry there was no music class everyone was just doing their thing and doing nothing even though you did because you didn't want them to which is why you don really wtf is wrong with you? why do i have this problem with your music? i just don. i know you know how it feels to have your entire life under your control **** do you really want me to tell you how to feel like a **** idiot let me just say that right now **** **** ah god holy **** nah shh nope thats the thing i was thinking btw did you do that

Daniel - LLaMA

We used the 7B version of LLaMA to generate text. Due to limited computing resources, we were only able to test the fine-tuned model. We were able to get an accuracy of 24.4%. This is a significant improvement over the other models which can be attribute to the fact it is a much larger model





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